Building Web3 one project at a time

As venture builders we are actively bootstrapping new products and projects multiple times a year with the primary objective of bringing new people to Web3.

Our Expertise

We are building Web3 on all fronts

VEMP Studios doesn't just specialize in gaming, we have played a major role in building web3 products spanning from DeFi, DAOs, NFTs all way to metaverses and social applications. We are generalists at heart with a key vision that helps bring ideas to life.


We self-fund and scale Web3 projects each year, positioned with sustainable economies and engaged communities to continue growing the protocol organically.


We invest in product-led projects at seed and private, advising teams on growth, community, product improvements and more.


Throughout the launch process and all the way through scaling we keep close communication with all projects in our portfolio to ensure good performance.


We're building

As a venture builder, our portfolio consists of projects we have built, co-built, acquired or invested in.

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